This is my Art shop...

As a Shop I guess I should give you mi prices... but first lets explain a few thing...

(Please call me Zahi) OK, I'm an IMVU editor, my "work" is to edit images to please you, I only edit by now, latter I'll offer creations (understand the diference).

My prices are a little expensive, but some told me "wow! only that!" so I don't really know...
I make my art on my style, and I only need:

- The image base (you know, the one you take without edition)
- Color specification
- Font specification (if you want some text on your pic)
- Text location
- any sample (is not really needed)

Please be specific, I don't like to misunderstand something... (I rather to say that XD)
Well... so when you ask me some be sure to add all of that...

Now the PRICES, very simple:                                        and the SIZES:

* AVIPIC: 5K Cr.                                                              240x335 px (I'll give a .jpg and .png file                                        
* BANNER: 6k Cr.                                                    max  475x150 px
* STICKER: (big): 7K Cr.                                          max  395x550 px(Full Body or whatever you want)
                 (small): 3K Cr.                                        max 150x150 px  (Recommendable only text)
# LAYOUT: 10K Cr. (image no code)                              900x750 px
* + GIF: +1K Cr.

# LAYOUT: well, I should tell you what it has:

- an Avatar space
- an "Marquee" space
- a Main space
on Main, I'll put the bottoms you want to show, as many as the design allows (as About Me, Friends, Special, etc)
- two aditional spaces
- Add, Block, Chat, Message bottoms

Make a Request...

So if you are ready to request me some, click on the image below, send me a message and lest get freaky!